The Involvement of Women During the Fight for Algerian Independence (1954-1962)

The start of Algerian Independence on November 1, 1954, marked the beginning of women starting to make “their presence felt” (Amrane-Minne 62). By Ingrid A. May 2023 Throughout Algerian history, women have assumed leadership roles in revolutionary and resistance organizations, particularly during the 1954–1962 Algerian Independence era. The propaganda poster pictured above, which was madeContinue reading “The Involvement of Women During the Fight for Algerian Independence (1954-1962)”

How Catholicism United Irish Citizens in the Easter Rising

Volunteers in custody being marched along Bachelor’s Walk to one of the military prisons.  On April 24, 1916, a bloody uprising from numerous Irish nationalists against the prevailing British rule took place; the Easter Rising. It began on Easter Monday and lasted for almost an entire week. This insurrection was the accumulation of the revolutionaryContinue reading “How Catholicism United Irish Citizens in the Easter Rising”

A Testament to the Independence of Jamaica: Tacky’s Rebellion

Ethan F Before the War: Tacky’s Rebellion, also known as Tacky’s Revolt or Tacky’s War was a significant event in Jamaican history, representing a wave of resistance against the oppressive system of slavery in 1760. Prior to the revolt, resistance to slavery was pervasive in Jamaican society. The oppressive conditions faced by slaves led manyContinue reading “A Testament to the Independence of Jamaica: Tacky’s Rebellion”


BY : ESTHER GARCIA LUNA Women played a crucial role in the Mexican revolution of 1910 to 1920.  The picture above shows a fairly large group of women and young girls proudly aiming rifles off into the distance.  Though this may seem performative as they are obviously posing for this picture and not on theContinue reading “WOMEN IN THE MEXICAN REVOLUTION”

Nationalism Displayed In The Christiansborg Crossroads

By: Priscilla O. On February 28th,1948 around 2,000 people in Ghana banded together for one cause. Ghanaian men served under British command in World War 2. The soldiers were led to believe that if they joined in the war they would have a better life. However, the promises were never fulfilled. The servicemen endured aContinue reading “Nationalism Displayed In The Christiansborg Crossroads”

The Mau Mau Uprising: A Nation-Wide Fight for Freedom

By: Sally Mendelsohn, June 2023 This photograph, dating back to 1963, depicts a Kikyuyu mixed-sex guerrilla band marching together. We see the guerillas dressed as scouts, as the uniform offered protection since “officials and policemen assumed they were trustworthy” (African Scouting, Parsons). However, I believe that the use of scout uniforms offered the Kikuyu aContinue reading “The Mau Mau Uprising: A Nation-Wide Fight for Freedom”

How Indonesia Stood Up for Themselves 

In 1944, during WWI, the Japanese decided to invade a lot of Eastern Asian Nations and the Imperial Army took control of Java and called the forces “Tonarigumi”. These forces were people who were supposed to enforce and solidify the control of the Japanese Imperial Forces in the places where they were trying to takeContinue reading “How Indonesia Stood Up for Themselves “

My Great-Grandmother and the Anti-Japanese Nationalist Movement in China

Coinciding with the progression of Japanese colonial expansion and aggression in China, the Chinese engagement of anti-Japanese movements commenced in the early 1900s and culminated in the Sino-Japanese War from 1937 to 1945.   The first major movement of Chinese nationalism was the May Fourth Movement in 1919. “Huge student demonstrations were held in Peking onContinue reading “My Great-Grandmother and the Anti-Japanese Nationalist Movement in China”

Soweto Uprising: An Anti-colonial Protest Led by Students in South Africa

By Sumaya N., May 2023 Figure 1: This photo depicts the Soweto Uprising of June 1976 that spread countrywide, changing the dynamics of the political world of South Africa. It vividly displays the many emotions felt by the protests who fought together in unity to restore the use of their native language in schools. OnContinue reading “Soweto Uprising: An Anti-colonial Protest Led by Students in South Africa”

Imperial Japan in Korea

by Angelina Y Korean citizens protesting that the Japanese acknowledge the comfort women situation   Japan and South Korea are two major and relevant countries in the entertainment and technology industry, but between the two countries there is a strong tension. About 100 years ago, Japan colonized Korea, which to this day causes dispute among theContinue reading “Imperial Japan in Korea”

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